Complementary or alternative medicine is used to treat people holistically. A number of complaints can, for example, be alleviated through acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbal medicine of traditional European naturopathy or osteopathy.
Complementary medicine encompasses various diagnostic processes, healing methods and remedies. It is used by a wide range of specialists such as doctors and naturopaths.
Conventional medicine and complementary medicine follow two different approaches. Traditional doctors search for symptoms and organic changes. Practitioners of complementary medicine, by contrast, are interested in what triggers the disorder. They also base their analysis on factors such as the patient's biography, environment, strengths and weaknesses.
If the medically prescribed therapy for an illness is not having the desired effect, complementary medicine can offer a natural alternative. It can supplement an ongoing course of treatment or in some cases even replace it completely. Examples are the treatment of hayfever, rheumatic complaints and other chronic diseases.
Make use of contributions towards the cost of alternative forms of treatment and remedies.
You will receive generous contributions towards the cost of various outpatient treatments.
You receive contributions (75% outpatient, 100% inpatient) towards the cost of treatments and remedies.
We will reimburse you for the cost of complementary medicine where medical necessity has been established. Preventative treatment is not considered medically necessary and will therefore not be reimbursed. Treatment provided for many impairments of well-being, such as stress, tension or fatigue, is not considered medically necessary either.
With SANA or COMPLETA supplementary insurance, you receive 75 percent of the costs for coverage for remedies and therapy methods provided by complementary medicine, such as osteopathy, kinesiology, acupuncture massage and Bach flower remedies, etc.
With SANA and COMPLETA supplementary insurance, you receive 100% of the costs of complementary medicines and therapies up to CHF 5,000 per calendar year.
You receive contributions towards the costs of the following types of complementary medicine:
Please ensure that your doctor holds a recognised certificate of competence awarded by the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) for these treatment methods.
The costs are refunded according to the tariff in the canton where you live or the tariff for your work location.
No. However, in debatable cases we may ask you for information in order to review the medical necessity of the treatment.
It is important to us that we can offer you the benefits for complementary medicine at an attractive price. To ensure that this remains so in the future, we are refraining from expanding the scope of our benefits.
No, unless the treatment represents a benefit covered by basic insurance (KVG).
For longer treatments we need a report to check the medical necessity. Unfortunately the information on the invoices alone is not sufficient. Therefore you will receive a clarifying questionnaire, which you can have filled out by your therapist or doctor. We carry out these clarifications for adults as well as children.
Our decision to approve a therapist is based on two basic principles: the information provided by the EMR (ErfahrungsMedizinische Register) in Basel, and our own internal criteria. If a therapist meets our requirements in both regards, he/she will be included in our list of approved complementary therapists. Helsana currently works together with a large network of over 14,000 recognised complementary therapists and supports around 70 treatment methods.
Based in Basel, the ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register (EMR) is an independent auditing body for alternative health practitioners and complementary therapists. The EMR assesses therapists’ training and awards a quality label, which Helsana uses as proof of sound training.
Our specialists for complementary medicine are trained in conventional and complementary medicine and some of them are naturopaths themselves with many years of practical experience. These experts check our insured persons' medical reports, medical certificates and questionnaires. They also provide information on complementary medicine to therapists and doctors and advise you as a customer.
Our experts advise you on the basis of current knowledge. To this end, they are in constant contact with doctors, naturopaths and complementary therapists, and regularly attend further training courses on topics of conventional and complementary medicine. However, we can accept no liability as regards the quality of advice. We therefore disclaim any liability for recommended services of therapists or doctors.
The health information provided here is of a general nature and is intended exclusively for information purposes. It is not a substitute for medical advice. In the event of a health problem, you should always consult a doctor or medical specialist.
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