Search complementary therapists

You will find all of our recognised naturopaths and complementary therapists in our list of therapists.

Please note: you will not automatically receive cost approval by using the service provider search, because the payment of benefits is regulated differently depending on the product and method. We will be happy to advise you – please get in touch.

Notes for special methods

[1] We only cover the costs of the treatment methods under the COMPLETA EXTRA/COMPLETA PLUS supplementary insurance.

[2] We only cover the costs of these treatment methods under the COMPLETA EXTRA/COMPLETA PLUS supplementary insurance. If this is performed by an EMR-certified medical masseur or naturopath, the costs may be paid under SANA or COMPLETA with a COMPLETA EXTRA/COMPLETA PLUS add-on.

Further information on the payment of costs can be found in our list of “Recognised therapeutic methods in complementary medicine”.

[3] The costs under TOP, OMNIA or COMPLETA are limited – the extent to which we cover these varies depending on the product. Further information on the payment of costs can be found in our list of “Special forms of treatment”.

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