Here you will find the bases for recognition by Helsana as a service provider in the area of complementary medicine.
For the recognition of service providers in the area of complementary medicine (e.g. as naturopaths, medical masseurs and osteopaths) under COMPLETA and SANA, we rely on the ErfahrungsMedizinische Register (EMR) in Basel and its Code of Ethics. This Code of Ethics encompasses the most important ethical values and standards that apply for therapists with EMR registration. In addition, we also consider registration with the Swiss Foundation for Complementary Medicine (ASCA) and adherence to their ethical standards for the reimbursement of selected methods from the supplementary insurance COMPLETA PLUS. We also rely on our General and Additional Insurance Conditions for SANA and COMPLETA supplementary insurance.
(This list is not exhaustive and does not grant any entitlement to recognition)
Helsana, working together with various other health insurers and the relevant professional organisations for complementary medicine, has developed a standard tariff for complementary medicine benefits. You can download Tariff 590 from the SASIS website.
Please note:
As with Tariff 590, billing using practice software with a 2D matrix code, offering enhanced protection against counterfeiting, is considered to be binding by us. There are more than 80 providers with a practical solution available who fulfil the current requirements. You can find a list of these software providers here.
If you have questions relating to invoicing, please send an e-mail to
Under SANA, COMPLETA and COMPLETA PLUS supplementary insurance, Helsana reimburses the costs for complementary medicine, provided the treatment is medically necessary and effective, expedient and cost-effective, and is provided by a service provider recognised by us.
If the treatment takes longer or is unclear, our complementary medicine specialists contact our customers. The further course of action will be discussed on the phone or a report/questionnaire will enable the review of further payment of costs.
By filling out our questionnaire in detail, you allow us to quickly review the co-payment of medical costs and we can provide our joint customers with reliable information regarding the next steps.
Please complete the questionnaire in full and send it, by mail only, to the following address:
Helsana Supplementary Insurances Ltd
Customer Service
P.O. Box
9008 St. Gallen
We're here to help.